Vision & Mission

Our vision is to promote educational excellence, leadership and service based on universal love and brotherhood in an environment characterized by respect for the individual and concern for the community; to strive to foster positive values based on the pursuit of truth into the lives of our students to effect holistic transformation within them and in the society.

Our mission is to form intellectually competent, professionally skilled, spiritually evolving, morally upright, socially responsive and culturally tolerant citizens, through holistic Claretine education, for the creation of a civilization of love.

Our Educational Goals

  • To form the entire person capable of shouldering the responsibilities towards God, family, country and neighbours.
  • To instil in the young minds the values of hard work, self-discipline and excellence, as life-giving principles in all walks of life.
  • To create in them analytical and critical mind to distinguish truth from error, and to train their will to choose virtue and to reject vice.
  • To help them to become men and women of character, to lead a good moral life in order to stand for justice and truth without fear.
  • To imbibe in them the value of respecting all faiths and cultures and to mould their will to understand, appreciate and to collaborate with everyone to build a strong and united society.
  • To encourage the students to adapt a spirit of team work in learning and other activities so that life in the school becomes a joyful experience of participation and not of competition, in a stress-free atmosphere.
  • To inculcate in them the true spirit of patriotism and love for the Motherland that they learn to commit themselves to her development and to be in deep solidarity with the poor and the marginalized.